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Pegasys Products BBS [ Sorted by thread creation date ]
One week after lauching TMPGEnc 3.0 XPress and opening this BBS we are not really surprized by the reaction of the trial users, we have just expected more comprehension regarding the software and the validation system. You will find below an answer to most of your questions. For you convenience the text is cut in several parts.
Other problems related to our software or services may happend. In advance we present all our sincere apologies and do our best to avoid such problems to occur again.
- Why a validation system -
Pegasys Inc. decided to implement the validation system for multiple reasons. The first of them is based on the assertion somewhat logical a User benefits of the services he/she pays for. Software, like the TMPEnc series, is not a material object but a service provided through different media such as Internet or CD-ROM. We call service all the knowledge and know-how contained in the software and the support, update, counselling we provide.
We legitimately expect from the person using our services to possess the right to do so in the same manner this person expects from us the service is provided in good condition. Some parts of the service are limited in time, but as long as all or part of the service is used, a User has to justify this right.
We have been disappointed to find how much our software were (and are) used by persons who had never and will never pay the price of all the necessary efforts and sacrifices we provide. Some of you may think we consider all users as potential pirates. Far from this thought we consider the validation system is the only way to build a balanced relation between Pegasys Inc and its Users. The obligations born by both parties are now clear and equal, and therefore benefit for all without exception.
you need to build a better validation system, you will not succeeed with weekly license validation.
Does Windows XP need weekly or monthly or yearly validation, NO
Does Office XP need weekly or monthly or yearly validation, NO
Does Speedd Razor need weekly or monthly or yearly validation, NO
Does FilmFX need weekly or monthly or yearly validation, NO
I could go on for a few pages......
I TOTALLY AGREE to ipmplement something to stamp out pirates, but not this way, I do not like to have an Internet connection on my edit systems, you of all should know why
In addition to what others already pointed out:
Software companies go bancrupt, are bought out, or are hindered in sellig their products due to legal disputes frequently. I certainly do not wish this to you, but it happens every day.
What do you expect your customers to do in such a case? Throw the software into the trash can and start their running projects from scratch? This is definitely *NOT* an option.
If you don't want to scare away your customers, you have to re-work the license verification system in at least two aspects:
- Once activated, the software must stay usable as-is for an unlimited time period to make sure customers won't loose their investments. Re-activation is acceptable when updating, though.
- There has to be a manual alternative to online activation, e.g. by exchanging activation data by email. Even temporary internet connections bear a high risk when there's no way to check what information is actually transmitted. Some customers might also not be able to modify their firewall settings, because these are controlled company-wide by the IT department.
I don't mind the way the software and activation works today, but I agree that there should be an optional way of activating.
A message that you can send over email would work for those that don't want to connect directly to internet, or in other cases where they simply can't use direct connection.
Sad to see that so many users instantly start complaining without actually coming with constructive criticism :/
- How does it work ? -
The validation system is based on the exchange of key information between the software and a validation server throught the Internet network using HTTP standard port, the same used to consult the Web. Since the information exchange lasts a few seconds only, fiber, DSL, ADSL, phone and even PHS can be used.
When validated, the software can be used as long as a validation renewal is not required, without any Internet connection necessary.
The period of use before validation renewal is marked by two time limits. When the User enters the first time limit, called "Soft Limit", the license validation window automatically appears but can be ignored. During the Soft Limit period the software is usable and the validation done at convenience. Once the Soft limit period ends the User reaches the Hard Limit where validation renewal is mandatory and the software not usable until a validation occurs. Periods length depends of the software but are long enough to avoid sudden and imprevisible service suspension. On our side we have taken the necessary precautions to avoid server downtime.
I don't want to go through the HASSLE yes Hassle of connecting my edit system to the net. I have cable so conecting is a hassle, even if I have to rarely. I won't use programs that are a Hassle. You loose business because it is a HASSLE. Got it?
- Why sometimes the validation system does not work ? -
Within 48 hours after the TMPGEnc 3.0 XPress release some of you experienced difficulties to get a validation. We are sorry for those troubles. This problem has been rapidely corrected and the server is now fully functional wherever the User is located on the planet. However, if the User's computer clock, calendar and time zone are not correctly set the server does not have the power to correct it by itself and may consider the trial period is over. For computer behind a Proxy server we offer the necessary setting options. Firewall or other Internet protection device or software should be set to accept input/output from our software, please refer to the device or software manual.
- Concerning unconnected machines -
We are aware some of the Users wish to install our software on a computer not linked to the Internet network. Since the validation requires only a few seconds connection, several solutions exist. First of all the User can plug, then wait for the validation, and unplug the connection. In the mean time it is highly improbable that a User would receive a virus (unless no Windows update has been done and the link left). The second solution is to install a second LAN port in a computer with an anti-virus/firewall software, computer taking care of the entire network security. The third solution is to add a HUB on the network blocking all ports other than those used for your favorite services.
All of these *solutions* involve an additional cost for me. I think that when all is said and done, the Engineers at TMPGEnc will not need to worry any longer about putting in the pong hours as mentions earlier, becasue I think the masses will speak and this activating fiasco will be the death of the TMPGEnc encoder. There aren't enough benefits to upgrading (speed still lacking FAR behind CCE and Main Concept,activation, etc.) to version 3.0 that is going to entice end users and companies to jump to put in firewalls on all the encoding machines when using CCE,Procoder,MainConcept 1.4, are all viable alternatives and require no such activation. Although I need to have my dongle installed for CCE, I DON"T have to have my FIREWALL installed.
My boss already told me to purchase CCE at nearly 50 times the cost becasue in his logic, it would cost our company much more than that to install new firewalls and re-install everything if the firewall WAS compromised. Remember, not all firewalls are failsafe.
The license will not renew because you purchased the TXP4 upgrade, which we have warned at the time of purchase that your old serial number will be voided if you continue with the TXP4 upgrade. If you had recently purchased the upgrade within 30 days then we could process a refund so you may get TXP3 serial number re-activated.
TMPG Support
My Response: Hi Quan and Hori and all at TMPG,
Now just hold on! I bought both programs! I have had both programs on my computer for almost 2 years with no license problem....why now?
What you call an "Upgrade to X4" was a totally separate and different program and doesn't have several of the features that X3 has. That's like telling me (A very good customer) that I have to pay twice as much for a program that isn't as good in many ways after the fact.. I would have been more than willing to pay full price for both programs separately instead of an "upgrade price." ...but that option wasn't available or promoted or I missed it. How much do you want me to pay in addition to what I have already paid for a "full version" of X4, instead of the upgrade price I paid so I can keep using X3
I use X3 for encoding non-hd TS files X4 doesn't handle them as well (The resulting video doesn't look nearly as good). Xpress 4 works best on Full-HD TS files and uncompressed avi. Why would you do this anyway it just doesn't make any sense? It is not right or ethical. At least disable the license verification (since you consider the program obsolete or replaced) so I can continue to use it. I did not understand when I bought X4 that 1. It wouldn't handle some files as well as X3 2. That some of the features in X3 wouldn't be available in X4. Both programs do different things. They are different programs and it was not made clear that I had to choose between one or the other without a refund. That has to be illegal.
You say "If you had recently purchased the upgrade within 30 days then we could process a refund so you may get TXP3 serial number re-activated." I still would have wanted both programs anyway. Just because I bought X4 doesn't mean I didn't want X3. I am confused. Why didn't you include all the features in X4 that are included in X3??? Besides I didn't know it wasn't as good on some files because I wasn't working on the type of file that would have shown that to me at that time.
Maybe in Japan you have different customs, but this is just wrong in any country. It doesn't hurt you to keep my license valid. If it does "Hurt you" tell me how it does. Make me understand why this is a good policy. All it tells me is that I can't trust you anymore, you can just shut off licenses when ever you want on something I already paid for!!
I look forward to hearing from you ASAP!
John Martin
Registered owner of
TMPGEnc DVD Author 2.0
TMPGEnc Plus 2.5
TMPGEnc Sound Plug-in AC-3
TMPGEnc 3.0 XPress
I think I have paid enough to get some consideration on this.
John Martin
Registered owner of
TMPGEnc DVD Author 1.5
TMPGEnc DVD Author 2.0
TMPGEnc Plus 2.5
TMPGEnc Sound Plug-in AC-3
TMPGEnc 3.0 XPress
TMPGEnc 4.0 XPress
TDA assumes a perfectly rectangular container for titles and as a result, if the title is italicized it will chop off the edge of the last character in the title, making it conform to a straight rectangle rather than a more accurately rhomboid shape.
IáÎ trying to Convert Divx some .avi and Xvid files and every time i get the same error:
Can't load "P3Package.dll". When i look at the files in my TMPGenc map, the file exists. Can anybody help me with this problem and Mark would probably want to know the answer also.
Oke I think i find the anwser. Extract the zip file to one map and don't put the TMPGenc.exe file on your windows opening screen. It will be redirected and the files won't be in the same directorie any more. Therefore TPMGenc won't find the p3package.dll
when I cut my mpeg2 (dbox stream) with the cut and merge tool e.g. I cut out the beginning and the end of this mpeg2 file to have the exact movie the frames are not cutted at the marked position. It seems that the program cuts about 2 seconds later at the start-mark and the end-mark. I think i have the newest version. Using an Athlon XP2400+
Penis poop. The gazizzle sir wing-bang doodoo foreskins.
Grommettizers are painful blue farting vaginas, so try to wear an enema when the video has no butthairs.
I started looking at the other forums here. There's three that I see. I don't see that the software authors venture to look at what's going on here. Questions are asked, and maybe some odd user may offer a suggestion.
So far, I have only seen ONE response from the software authors. This forum is a total waste of time for someone that wants an answer to a problem. I haven't e-mailed "tech support" yet, I would only hope that the response would be better.
I did get good response when registering and using a credit card. So the sales department is sharp. Marketing dept. needs fixing along with the support group.
How about it? Are you too busy processing credit card transactions to help folks here? I do have a sour attitude and it would be much better if the authors would be more active in answering questions.
I quite agree with you.I have had two emails back from their support telling me I have a problem with my internet connection!!!! I am on line with files going and coming in everyday and these guys tell me that there is something wrong with my connection.
It's the first disc in the series' DVD history that has three titles on it, it is the "Look at the Princess" trilogy.
The second movie on the disc is title 11.
TMPGEnc DVD Author will *NOT* read it correctly. Even if it is re-encoded by other DVD authoring softwares at 100% (I've tried two: Clone DVD; and DVD Shrink).
Each time it reads the title, which is over 46 minutes in length, to 00:19:33;14 but will not go any further. It assumes that is the end of the title.